1 - 2 dicembre Stoccarda International Meeting

1 Dec 2022 - Progetto Camelot



Il progetto europeo Camelot promuove lo scambio di buone pratiche ed esperienze tra le città metropolitane europee con l’obiettivo di creare e migliorare gli strumenti per aumentare la partecipazione dei cittadini alle decisioni pubbliche.

I partners di progetto si incontrano a Stoccarda, per l'ottavo meeting, l'1 e il 2 dicembre 2022.






1st December 2022

9:45 Meet in Hotel Lobby to walk to Verband Region Stuttgart

10:00 Welcome by Dr. Alexander Lahl, Regional Director, Verband Region Stuttgart - Verband Region Stuttgart, Kronenstraße 25, 70174 Stuttgart, room 544 (5th floor)

11:30 Walk to Stuttgart City Hall

12:00 Meeting with Dr. Frédéric Stephan and Verena Neubauer from the International Affairs Department of the City of Stuttgart - Rathaus, Marktplatz 1, 70173 Stuttgart, Room 301 (3rd floor)

13:00 Lunch - the ratskeller, Marktplatz 1, 70173 Stuttgart

14:30 Visit of the Exhibition “Posters for Europe” at City Hall - Rathaus, Marktplatz 1, 70173 Stuttgart

15:30 – 18:30 Study Visit of Construction Site for Stuttgart 21 - Am Schlossgarten 26/1, 70173 Stuttgart - Funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

19:15 Meet in Hotel Lobby to walk to Dinner

19:30 Dinner - Taverna Sultan Saray, Lautenschlagerstraße 20, 70173 Stuttgart


2nd December 2022

Venue: Verband Region Stuttgart, Kronenstraße 25, 70174 Stuttgart, room 540 (5th floor)

9:30 Registration and Questionnaire

10:00 Welcome

  • Rainer Gessler, Deputy Chairman, Verband Region Stuttgart

10:10 Keynote

  • Fabienne Keller, Quaestor and Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Urban Intergroup 

10:30 Keynote

  • Florian Hassler, Secretary of State for Political Coordination and Europe in the State Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg

10:45 Panel Discussion

  • Fabienne Keller, Quaestor and Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Urban Intergroup
  • Florian Hassler, Secretary of State for Political Coordination and Europe in the State Ministry of Baden-Wurttemberg
  • Dr. Bernd Vöhringer, Lord Mayor, City of Sindelfingen
  • Carmine Pacente, Head of Department for EU Programs and Funds, Metropolitan City of Milan
  • Xavi Tiana, "European Metropolitan Authorities" and Head of Department for International Relations, Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Moderator: Prof. Annegret Eppler, Jean Monnet Professor for EU Studies, Kehl University of Applied Sciences

11:30 Coffee break

11:45 Best Practices concerning Civic Participation and EU Projects by CAMELOT Project Partners:

  • Barcelona
  • Bari
  • Craiova
  • Gdansk
  • Milan
  • Porto
  • Zagreb
  • ALDA
  • Stuttgart

12:45 Closing Remarks

  • Dr. Lana Mayer, Head of Europe Direct Stuttgart

Afterwards Lunch

Siti tematici


URP - Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico

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